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        Teaching Today Wisconsin | Summer/Back to School 2024                                                                                 Page 21




                        ONLINE OR    ON CAMPUS

              MA IN EDUCATION                                                     GRADUATE EDUCATION LICENSURES
              MA IN EDUCATION
                                                                                  AND CERTIFICATES
              MA IN SERVANT LEADERSHIP                                            •   Cross-categorical Special Education*
              MS in Speech-Language pathoLogy
                                                                                     (WI 1801) Online
              MS in SchooL counSeLing
              MS IN SCHOOL COUNSELING                                             •   Innovative Teacher Leadership (National
                                                                                     Certificate) Online
              Ma in teaching initiaL teacheR
              POST-BACCALAUREATE INITIAL  TEACHER                                 •   Reading Teacher* (WI 1316) Online
              LicenSuRe pathS
              LICENSURE PATHS                                                     •   Reading Specialist (WI 5017) Online
              • Elementary Education
              •   Elementary Education                                            •   Director of Instruction (WI 5010)
              • Cross-categorial Special Education
              •   Cross-categorical Special Education                             •   Director of Special Education and Pupil
              • Secondary Content Areas
              •   Secondary Content Areas                                            Services (WI 5080)
                                                                                  •   Principal (WI 5051 and IA 189)
              ELEMENTARY EDUCATION BACHELOR                                       •  School Business Administrator (WI 5008)
              eLeMentaRy eDucation BacheLoR
                                                                                  •   Superintendent (WI 5003)
                                                  *District embedded options also available

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