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               TRANSPORTATIONTODAY                                                                                                   WI         TM


                                                           YOUR WISCONSIN TRANSPORTATION CONNECTION

                         Wausau East Transportation Program Thriving

           Wausau School District                                                                                 this class students will explore basic tools,
              Wausau  east  High  School  is  home  to                                                            measurement,  and  engine  theory  of  opera-
           an  8,000-square  foot  automotive  shop  that                                                         tion/construction.  Student  experiences  will
           gives  students,  115  to  130  on  average  per                                                       include:  engine  rebuilding,  troubleshooting
           year, the opportunity to learn all three career                                                        and two and four-cycle engine theory. Stu-
           areas  within  the  transportation  pathway:                                                           dents should expect to spend the majority of
           Auto  Technicians,  Auto  Collision,  and                                                              their time in the lab.
           Diesel Mechanics.                                                                                      Auto Awareness
              The  shop,  built  after  the  passing  of  a
           community-wide  referendum  in  2015,  fea-                                                               This  course  covers  basic  systems  of
           tures three two-point hoists, two four-point                                                           the automobile. units of instruction include:
           hoists,  one  heavy  duty  four-post  hoist  for                                                       tools,  auto  products,  ignition,  fuel,  electri-
           semi/diesel, a low rise hoist for auto colli-                                                          cal,  cooling,  general  maintenance,  interior/
           sion, a paint booth and paint mixing room,                                                             exterior care, and new/used car purchasing.
           as  well  as  state-of-the-art  wheel  alignment                                                       This course provides a theory of operation
           equipment, a tire balancer, and an attached                                                            and practical lab experiences for the automo-
           classroom. It also has its own semi truck that                                                         bile owner.
           students can work on.                                                                                  Occupational Mechanics I
              This  opportunity,  for  Wausau  School   Their support includes a golf fundraiser   dents every week. Then, the instructor makes   Introduction to the automotive service
           District  students,  would  not  be  possible   in July, which helps  with scholarships and   it a point to actually visit Wausau east High   industry including safety and the use of basic
           without the support of a number of amazing   funding  for  educational  programs.  Then,   School  to  work  with  students  in  the  class   hand and power tools to help the prospective
           community partners. One of those partners   each  February,  they  host  a  Transportation   on trucks. In addition, once a year, students   automobile technician work safely and effi-
           is  a  professional  organization  made  up  of   Career Expo which is open to all schools in   actually get to travel to train in the college’s   ciently. Students will learn to perform basic
           industry partners who support the transpor-  Central  Wisconsin  that  gives  students  and   facility.  under-hood and under-car services including:
           tation pathway in all areas of education. One   parents  the  chance  to  meet  with  industry   “It’s  a  way  for  the  students  to  get   Basic  Maintenance,  Steering,  Suspension,
           example  of  how  they  do  that  is  that  they   professionals  and  explore  careers  in  trans-  another instructor’s perspective with this and   Brakes, and Tune-up. This course is based
           provide  vehicles  for  students  to  work  on.   portation.        interact  with  a  real  live  college  instructor.   on  hands-on  lab  activities  supported  by
           Once  repaired,  those  vehicles  get  donated   It’s this kind of support for our trans-  The kids are getting a lot more with this than   classroom operational theory of automotive
           back  into  a  community  program  called   portation  program,  and  the  transportation   just a regular dual credit class,” said Mark   systems. The students will have the oppor-
           ‘Wheels to Work,’ providing people with the   pathway  in  general,  that’s  allowing  our   Poppe, Wausau east Automotive Teacher.  tunity to work on their own vehicle repairs.
           transportation they need to get to and from   students  to  get  real  hands-on  experience  -   Students  are  able  to  get  4  credits   Additionally students will be introduced to
           their jobs.                       preparing them for life after high school.  through the class.       the  basics  of  autobody/collision  repair  as
              They also help develop new programs   Our  area  technical  colleges  are  also   Other  classes  available  to  students  in   well as painting. Students who successfully
           like  Auto  Collision  &  Repair  training  for   stepping up in a big way to support students.   the Wausau east Automotive Shop include:  complete this course will receive dual credit
           post graduates. This program is in partner-  Through a partnership with one of the col-                through a technical college.
           ship  with  the  local  technical  college  and   leges,  students  can  learn  all  about  Diesel   Introduction to Power Mechanics
           Wausau  East  High  School.  Classes,  taught   Mechanics.  What  makes  this  opportunity   This  course  is  designed  for  students
           by college instructors, are held at the high   unique,  in  particular,  is  that  the  college’s   who are interested in exploring the internal
           school.                           diesel  instructor  meets  virtually  with  stu-  combustion  engine  as  well  as  basic  pro-
                                                                               fessional  shop  procedures/tasks.  During   Continued on Page 32

                 A special thank you to our advertisers for your generous support!

                          Fabick Cat/Fabtech  Operating Engineers 139  South Dakota State University CIM

                                Northland Technical & Community College  High School Racing Association

                    Wisconsin Asphalt Paving Association  Western Technical College  Dreamflight STEM Shuttle
                                        Bergstrom Automotive  UW Superior  Gandrud Automotive
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