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Summer/Back to School 2024                                                                          Transportation Today Wisconsin™ | 35

        Why You Should Consider a Career in the Asphalt Pavement Industry

                                                                                miles of roads in dire need of repair, and more
                                                                                workers  are  expected  to  retire  than  can  be
                                                                                replaced in the near future.

                                                                                   Whether  you  have  a  college  degree  or
                                                                                are looking for on-the-job training, there are a
                                                                                wide range of opportunities within the asphalt
                                                                                industry both in the office and in the field.


                                                                                   Asphalt  is  the  world’s  most  recycled
        Money                                                                   product,  and  the  industry  is  committed  to
            The  industry  provides  high-paying                                continuous innovation to increase the use of
        jobs for workers at every level. The indus- Job Security                reclaimed,  recycled,  and  waste  materials  in
        try  pays  competitively  and  provides  strong   Asphalt  pavement  jobs  cannot  be  out-  high-performing asphalt pavements.
        benefit packages. Pay parity between males   sourced  to  other  countries.  Roads  are  built
        and females is closer than almost any other   and maintained by people who live and work
        industry.                           in their local community. There are miles and

           94%         of roads in America are surfaced with asphalt.
                            Contact us today to learn how we do it in Wisconsin.

            The Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association is a

            statewide, non-profit organization representing the
            interests of the asphalt industry. WAPA members are
            Wisconsin-based contractors and manufacturers,

            asphalt mixture producers and liquid asphalt                            Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association

            suppliers who support the industry by providing                                4600 American Parkway, Suite 201 Madison, WI 53718
            quality pavements, materials and services.                                                                      Phone: 608-255-3114

           Learn more about careers in asphalt and find job openings at:

                                              WISCONSIN RIDES ON US
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