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                   Firefighting Career Pathway Now Available to Luxemburg-Casco

                   High School Students

                                                                                I can tell you, locally and statewide, volunteer   32,  according  to  My  Future™.  It  projects
                                                                                fire departments are becoming shorthanded as   roughly 26,4000 job openings for firefighters
                                                                                far as required and needed firefighters.  annually, on average, over the course of the
                                                                                   “It gives the students the opportunity to   decade.
                                                                                be servants to their communities, along with   According to My Future™, a career as
                                                                                exploring a potential career. They are trained   a firefighter appeals to those who enjoy high
                                                                                as a firefighter, which is something they can   levels of responsibility, decision-making and
                                                                                use in any community in the years ahead.”  competition,  along  with  a  medium  level  of
                                                                                   Participating  students  are  supported  by   physical activity.
                                                                                the fire department with Personal Protective   Zellner, a junior at L-C High School who
                                                                                equipment (PPe) and uniforms.      actually leaves school when a call comes in,
                                                                                   The Kewaunee County Junior Firefighter   has learned quite a bit from the opportunity to
                                                                                Program  –  which  supports  the  fire  depart-  work regularly with professional firefighters.
                                                                                ments of Algoma, Carlton, Casco, Denmark,   It has confirmed his desire to pursue the field
                                                                                Kewaunee,  Luxemburg,  New  Franken  and   as a career himself.
                                                                                Tisch Mills – was one of four grant winners   “Firefighting is a lot of responsibility,”
                                                                                of the Wisconsin Department of Safety and   he says. “You understand that you are putting
                                                                                Professional  Services  (DSPS). The  grant  of   your life in danger to help other people. It’s
                                                                                $24,525 will be utilized to purchase full PPE   not an easy job — it requires hard work to
                                                                                for use by students.               do it properly. every call is different, so you
                                                                                   PPE  is  extremely  expensive,  accord-  have to be prepared for pretty much anything.
                                                                                ing to Du Chateau, often costing more than   “I really enjoy the chance to be involved
        Luxemburg-Casco School District     functions.                          $3,000 for a coat and pants for a single fire-  and  the  opportunity  you  get  to  help  other
            A new educational pathway — designed   Mathew Zellner, who is one of the three   fighter.  Typically  fitted,  Luxemburg  will  be   people.”
        for  students  interested  in  a  career  as  a  fire-  L-C  students  currently  following  the  fire-  purchasing generic sets of gear, knowing that   Zellner  hopes  to  continue  working
        fighter  –  is  wrapping  up  its  first  year  at   fighter career pathway, completed the course   it will be passed down and reused.  within  firefighting  for  the  entirety  of  his
        Luxemburg-Casco  High  School.  Three  L-C   requirements  for  Firefighter  1  Certifica-  Those  who  choose  firefighting  as  a   career, and shares that he would be a third-
        students took part during the 2023-24 school   tion earlier this month. He took entry Level   career  perform  a  wide  variety  of  duties.   generation firefighter in his family. Both his
        year,  and  more  are  expected  to  join  the   Fighter  the  first  three  months  of  2024,  fol-  Among these are driving fire apparatus and   grandfather,  David  Zellner  (20-plus  years),
        program in the fall.                lowed by Hazardous Material Operations and   other  emergency  vehicles;  putting  out  fires   and  father,  Brad  Zellner  (20-plus  years  and
            The  Kewaunee  County  Junior  Fire-  Firefighter 1.                using  water  hoses,  fire  extinguishers  and   counting), have firefighting experience.
        fighter Program – a partnership between the   Zellner now is a Junior Firefighter with   water  pumps;  finding  and  rescuing  victims   Du  Chateau  appreciates  the  contribu-
        Luxemburg-Casco,  Algoma,  Denmark  and   the Luxemburg Community Fire Department.   in  burning  buildings  or  in  other  emergency   tions  Zellner  and  fellow  L-C  High  School
        Kewaunee school districts, along with eight   A  volunteer  position,  he  receives  hands-on   situations;  treating  sick  or  injured  people;   student Jett Granese-Bries have made to the
        area fire departments – began with an explor-  opportunities to learn the skills used in fire-  conducting drills to be prepared for any type   Luxemburg  Community  Fire  Department,
        atory session for students in April 2023.  fighting,  actively  participates  in  department   of  emergency  incident;  preparing  written   and he hopes to get more students involved in
            “We  see  this  program  as  a  great  way   trainings  and  meetings,  and  when  the  tone   reports on emergency incidents; cleaning and   the Junior Firefighter Program in the future.
        for students to explore a potential career in   goes off Zellner responds to calls.  maintaining  equipment;  and  physical-fitness
        firefighting  while  gaining  post-secondary   “It  has  been  a  lot  of  learning  for  me,”   training.
        credits and real-world experience,” says Mike   says  Zellner.  “I  get  to  respond  to  calls  in   Employment of firefighters is projected
        Snowberry, director of learning services for   full gear, and can help out on the scene. But,   to  grow  at  a  rate  of  4  percent  from  2022-
        the  Luxemburg-Casco  School  District.  “We   being under 18 (years old), I am restricted in
        have received tremendous support from area   what I can do.”
        fire departments, who are all-in to work with   Junior  Firefighters  are  expected  to
        our students.”                      respond to emergency calls and operate under
            Three  Luxemburg-Casco  students  this   the supervision of Senior Firefighters. Strict
        year began coursework towards Firefighter 1   laws  exist  to  protect  minors  from  the  most
        certification through NWTC during the first-  hazardous dangers; for example, Junior Fire-
        hour  block  of  their  day.  Taught  by  college   fighters will never enter a burning building or
        instructors,  students  earn  both  high  school   operate on top of a roof. The work performed
        and college credits while learning the basics   by  Junior  Firefighters  frees  up  qualified
        of firefighting.                    Senior  Firefighters  to  execute  other  crucial
            The  three  courses  required  to  receive   tasks.
        the certification are: Entry Level Firefighter,   Junior  Firefighters  must  be  at  least  16
        which focuses on providing the information   years  old,  but  not  older  than  19  years  old.
        needed to comply with fire-training require-  They must be able to follow directions under
        ments  in  Wisconsin;  Firefighter  1,  which   stressful  conditions  and  should  be  in  good
        completes  all  Level  1  firefighter  objectives   physical  condition  to  perform  essential  fire
        as identified by the National Fire Protection   ground tasks.
        Association  (NFPA);  and  Hazardous  Mate-  “The  Junior  Firefighter  Program  is
        rial  Operations,  which  prepares  students  to   working very well,” says Lew Du Chateau,
        perform  minimum  hazardous  material  inci-  Luxemburg Fire Chief since 2001. “The stu-
        dent  operations  associated  with  firefighting   dents are helping out where we need them.
                                            It’s been a win-win for the students and for us.
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