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34 | Transportation Today Wisconsin™                                                      Online Edition:

                     “I’m training for something I want to do for the rest of my life.”

                     Casimir Pulaski’s automotive program

                                                            shops  with  two  full-  automotive  teachers  at  Pulaski.  Vallejo  is  a   munity  partners  is  essential  to  refining  and
                                                            time  teachers.  By  the   graduate of Pulaski who spent years working   adapting the program. Industry experts regu-
                                                            time  they  graduate,   in  the  industry.  His  career  came  full  circle   larly  review  curriculum,  skills,  technology,
                                                            many  students  receive   when he left his employment and returned to   and student outcomes to make recommenda-
                                                            ASE  certification  and   Pulaski to teach. Bras was a Pulaski science   tions and provide connections that keep pace
                                                            most will go on to tech-  teacher who altered his own pathway to teach   with ongoing changes in the industry.
                                                            nical schools.      auto body work.                        As  a  result  of  ongoing  reviews  of  the
                                                                The  high  school   “Students who enter automotive careers   automotive curriculum and classroom technol-
                                                            automotive  program  is   will  always  have  a  job,”  said  Vallejo,  who   ogy, Pulaski recently added a body shop with a
                                                            one of the largest in the   has been an automotive teacher at Pulaski for   paint booth to expand the range of skills acces-
                                                            state of Wisconsin and   more than 10 years. “When you look at how   sible to students.
                                                            the only program in the   many cars are on the road—they will all need   Is  the  program  a  success?  Hundreds  of
                                                            city  of  Milwaukee.  A   repair at some point. The automotive industry   graduates  have  gone  on  to  technical  schools
                                                            key feature is certifica-  just keeps getting more exciting as new tech-  or have been hired directly after graduation. A
                                                            tion by the Automotive   nology comes along and then we train to work   number of students have honed their skills and
                                                            Service   Excellence   on these new innovations.”      opened their own neighborhood repair shops.
                                                            educational   Founda-  “We  have  everything  that  a  dealership   Pulaski sees a significant number of students
                                                            tion (ASe), which sets   would have to offer,” says Luis Vallejo. “Any-  being  hired  as  youth  apprentices  while  in
        Milwaukee Public Schools            high  program  standards,  requires  instructors   thing  a  dealership  says  they  want  us  to  be   high school and then transitioning to full-time
            Can students step out of high school and   to maintain ASE certification, and allows stu-  trained in, or that they kind of need a little help   employment directly after they graduate.
        into a lucrative, in-demand career? The answer   dents to earn a credential.  in, we have it and we’re willing to go the extra   “I love going to school every day,” said a
        is yes at Casimir Pulaski High School in Mil-  At Pulaski, the pathway begins when stu-  mile to get the training they need.”  Pulaski student. “I’m training for something I
        waukee, Wisconsin. Students at Pulaski have   dents take a survey course. Beginning in the   Automotive  training  of  this  intensity   want to do for the rest of my life. The wages
        the  option  to  pursue  an  automotive  program   sophomore year, students can enroll in courses   would not be possible without local partners   are great and I know I’m not following a dead
        that prepares them to work in auto shops or   such as engine repair, suspension and steering,   who  serve  as  mentors  and  offer  internships.   end. I could not get this training anywhere else
        car dealerships or to continue their training in   vehicle diagnosis, and auto servicing. Students   A number of local dealers, professional asso-  in the city except for Pulaski.”
        technical school.                   learn  to  work  with  tools  and  technology  for   ciations, auto repair shops, and body shops are
            Pulaski,  part  of  Milwaukee  Public   use with fuel injection, air induction, exhaust   actively  engaged  to  serve  as  guest  speakers   schools.milwaukee.k12.
        Schools, has offered the automotive pathway   systems,  emission  controls,  and  more.  ASe   and volunteers. Partners also hire students as
        for more than 30 years, and the program has   standards are followed for all instruction.  interns or youth apprentices.
        grown  to  encompass  three  complete  auto   Luis  Vallejo  and  Pablo  Bras  are  the   An  advisory  board  made  up  of  com-

                    MPS Invests in Trade, Technical Staff and Facilities for Students

                    Preparing for In-Demand Careers

                                                     Readiness, develops and supports   Facilities for trade, technical and STeM   which  offers  engineering  and  design
                                                     those courses and pathways.  (science, technology, engineering, and  math-  programs. Project Lead The Way is the
                                                        The    2020    referen-  ematics)  instruction  have  been  modernized   nationally recognized program that pro-
                                                     dum approved  by  Milwaukee   and  expanded  since  2020.  Learning  on  up-  vides hands-on learning in STEM fields.
                                                     voters  provided  the  district  with   to-date equipment and using new technology
                                                     funding to expand arts, language,   will better prepare MPS students for pursuing  Looking Ahead
                                                     and  physical  education  instruc-  careers after high school.    In  the  2024–25  fiscal  year,  MPS  will
                                                     tion, and it also made a difference   Some  of  the  improvements  made  since   improve  more  facilities  for  students  where
                                                     in the lives of students preparing   2020 include:            they can gain specialized skills as they prepare
                                                     for  trade  and  technical  careers   •  A  refurbished  automotive  lab  that  now   to enter the workforce. The district will:
                                                     after high school.            includes space for auto body work and a   •  Upgrade  two  Project  Lead  The  Way
                                                        “We  have  been  able  to   paint booth at Pulaski High School.   rooms  at  Marshall  High  School.  The
                                                     upgrade  facilities  and  help  with   •  The  renovated  main  computer  lab  at   school offers engineering and biomedi-
                                                     staffing,  and  we  would  like  to   Washington  High  School  of  Informa-  cal science programs to its students.
                                                     continue to expand and strengthen   tion Technology, which now includes a
                                                     career  and  technical  education,”                             •  Build a new culinary arts lab with state-
        Milwaukee Public Schools            said Dr. John R. Hill, Director of College and   virtual reality area and some new tech-  of-the-art  stations  and  a  classroom
           The country is facing a growing shortage   Career Readiness.            nology.                             addition at Bay View High School.
        of workers, acutely felt in skilled trades such    Since 2020, the district has added seven   •  An  updated  weld  shop  at  Bradley   •  Renovate the CTE lab, including a new
        as electrical, plumbing, and sheet metal work,   educator positions in technical education and   Technology  and  Trade  School  that  can   robotics workspace, and provide a broad-
        as increasing numbers of workers reach retire-  computer  science  and  has  been  able  to  fund   accommodate  a  new,  larger  plasma   cast studio with green screen at Audubon
        ment age. Milwaukee Public Schools is doing   support  staff,  such  as  for  the  culinary  arts   cutter.  Besides  improvements  such  as   Technology and Communication Center.
        its part to help fill that gap, through courses   program.  The  additional  revenue  since  2020   resized duct systems to meet air-quality
        and career pathways that prepare students for   also  partially  funds  the  coordinator’s  posi-  requirements, the shop has new, modern
        high-wage, highly skilled, in-demand careers.    tion  for  youth  apprenticeships;  the  program   equipment.
           Career  and  Technical  Education  (CTE),   has  grown  in  the  past  year,  with  increasing   •  A renovated Project Lead The Way lab
        in the MPS Department of College and Career   numbers of students becoming apprentices.  at Milwaukee High School of the Arts,
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