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28 | Transportation Today Wisconsin™                                                      Online Edition:

                  The Ahnapee Diesel Center and Ahnapee Automotive Program

                                                                                Algoma  and  Kewaunee.  Students  in  their   space mirroring that of a professional diesel
                                                                                junior and senior years are given the oppor-  mechanic,” says Mike Snowberry, the dis-
                                                                                tunity  to  earn  college  credits  while  also   trict’s director of learning services who is
                                                                                receiving credit towards high school gradu-  guiding  the  program’s  creation.  “Our  stu-
                                                                                ation.                             dents will have quality instruction and fully
                                                                                   With  successful  completion  of  the   equipped,  professional-quality  toolboxes,
                                                                                college’s  Diesel  Maintenance  Techni-  along with the new facilities. Almost all of
                                                                                cian  (DMT)  curriculum  while  in  high   the students in the diesel program have been
                                                                                school, students attain a one-year technical   placed  in  the  Ahnapee  Youth  Apprentice-
                                                                                diploma.  The  required  26  credits  include   ship program with our partner businesses.
                                                                                courses  such  as  Transportation  Welding  1   We believe that the L-C diesel program will
                                                                                & 2, Diesel Lab Operations, Intro to Diesel   be a win-win for our students and the local
                                                                                Mechanics,  Intro  to  electrical  Systems,   business community.”
                                                                                Diesel  Heavy  Duty  Electrical  1  &  2,
                                                                                Chassis  Sub-Systems,  Hydraulic/  Pneu-  The Ahnapee Automotive
                                                                                matic Systems, and engine Sub-Systems.
                                                                                   upon  graduation  from  high  school,  Program
                                                                                students  can  choose  to  pursue  a  techni-  The  Luxemburg-Casco  School  District
                                                                                cal diploma as a Diesel Heavy equipment   also  hosts  another  educational  initiative  —
                                                                                Technician  or  a  Diesel  Medium  &  Heavy   the Ahnapee Automotive program.
                                                                                Truck  Technician.  Associate  degrees  in   Students are provided with the opportu-
                                                                                either Diesel Heavy equipment Technology   nity to earn college credits while also receiving
        Luxemburg-Casco School District     academic  year. Among  the  significant  modi-  or Diesel Medium & Heavy Truck Technol-  credit towards high school graduation.
            Located in the district’s former middle   fications  within  the  4,200-square-foot  main   ogy also are possible student pathways.  Through  successful  completion  of  the
        school building on Church Street in Casco,   instructional  area  were  the  lowering  of  the   Strong  support  from  area  companies   Automotive Maintenance Technician (AMT)
        the Ahnapee Diesel Center houses the first   concrete garage floor by 2 feet to accommo-  and  the  regional  transportation  industry   curriculum, students attain a one-year tech-
        credit-bearing,  diesel-only  high  school   date a full size semi-truck cab, enlargement of   have been a catalyst in getting the Ahnapee   nical  diploma.  Following  graduation  from
        education program in                                 the front overhead door   Diesel  program  off  the  ground.  “With  the   high school, they may choose to ladder into
        Wisconsin and is one                                 to 18 feet, creation of a   help  of  many  area  companies  who  have
        of  roughly  20  such   Almost  all  of  the  students  in   new exterior ramp, the   been  willing  to  form  strong  partnerships
        programs   nation-  the  diesel  program  have  been   addition of a rear over-  with  L-C,  we  are  able  to  create  a  work-  Continued on Page 32
        wide.              placed  in  the  Ahnapee  Youth   head  door  to  facilitate
            Its  facility  fea-  Apprenticeship  program  with  our   entry of smaller diesel
        tures  a  4,200-square                               equipment,  enhanced   The STEM field trip that comes right to your school!
        foot  main  instruc-  partner  businesses.  We  believe   exhaust  systems  and
        tional area, along with  that the L-C diesel program will be   ductwork   to   ade-
        a   1,000-square-foot  a win-win for our students and the   quately  distribute  air
        classroom  space.  The   local business community.”  and  mitigate  contami-
        project   converted                                  nants,  attachment  of
        the  one-time  Art  and                              interior  and  exterior
        Wood Shop areas of the former Luxemburg-  catch basins, and upgraded electrical outlets to
        Casco  Middle  School  into  the  diesel  center.   support safe operations.
        The  district’s  middle  school  moved  to  the   Ahnapee Diesel is a consortium of area
        main L-C campus at the start of the 2020–21   high schools: Luxemburg-Casco, Denmark,
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                                                                                          Visit our website to learn more about the
                                                                                            opportunities awaiting your students.
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