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Summer/Back to School 2024                                                                          Transportation Today Wisconsin™ | 29

                  City Stadium Automotive Students Earn College Credits & Technical Diploma

                  Green Bay Area Public Schools  Students enrolled in City Stadium Automo-  automotive field, enroll
                      The Green Bay Area Public   tive focus on the diagnosis and troubleshooting   in  technical  school,  or
        School District and east High School are proud   of faults in automotive systems while receiving   both.
        to  celebrate  five  students  in  the  City  Stadium   high school and college credit through the local   Meet The  Instruc-
        Automotive® program who graduated with 28   technical college. They also have the opportunity   tors
        or more college credits and a one-year techni-  to work at major dealerships while still enrolled   Ben   Hendricks
        cal diploma, all while in high school. To honor   in high school. The hands-on, real-world expe-  developed a passion for
        their hard work and dedication to their future, the   rience students receive centers around technical   tinkering  with  machin-
        students  received  a  certificate  of  achievement   research, automotive workplace skills and prac-  ery  and  taking  things
        during a ceremony at east High School.  tices,  and  preparation  for  post-secondary   apart while growing up
            The students who were honored have com-  education.                 on  a  farm.  He  started
        pleted the Automotive Maintenance Technician   Students now have the opportunity to earn   his  automotive  career
        (AMT)  Program,  earning  them  college  credits   more than 26 college credits over the course of   as  an  apprentice  and
        to a local technical college and a one-year tech-  their junior and senior year as part of the Auto-  worked two years at an
        nical diploma. After graduation, these students   motive Maintenance Technician (AMT) program   independent repair shop
        will be prepared to continue their education at   in collaboration with the college. upon graduat-  servicing  trucks,  trac-
        the college to complete either a two-year Auto-  ing from high school, students will be prepared   tors and semis. After his
        motive  Technician  technical  diploma  or  an   to either enter the workforce directly or continue   apprenticeship he spent 20 years working at a   struction,  automotive  shops,  and  various  other
        Automotive  Technology  associate  degree.  The   their education for one more year to complete   Ford Kia dealership and earned his ASe Master   jobs.  Chris  has  a  manufacturing/  engineering
        five students being celebrated are East, Preble   either a two-year Automotive Technician tech-  Certification,  Ford  Senior  Master  Certification   degree. Chris’s favorite part of his job is intro-
        and West High Schools.              nical  diploma  or  an  Automotive  Technology   and his Kia Master Elite Certification. In 2016,   ducing  students  to  working  on  vehicles  in  an
            About City Stadium Automotive   associate degree.                   he was selected to compete in a Nationals Skills   automotive shop while still in high school. He
            The  automotive  industry  in  the  united   City  Stadium  Automotive  at  East  High   Cup  in  Southern  California  and  placed  in  the   emphasizes what a great opportunity this can be
        States and Wisconsin is forecasted to remain a   is  certified  by  the  National Automotive  Tech-  top four, earning a spot in the World Cup Com-  for students to get experience and find their pas-
        growing  industry.  Recognizing  the  need  for  a   nician  Education  Foundation  (NATEF)  for   petition held in South Korea. Ben placed 2nd,   sions.
        skilled  automotive  workforce,  the  Green  Bay   Maintenance  and  Light  Repair  Program  Stan-  beating out 60 of the world’s best technicians.    To learn more about City Stadium Automo-
        Area Public School District (GBAPS) expanded   dards. NATEF is an organization that examines   Christopher  Ziegler  joined  City  Stadium   tive, visit
        the automotive technician lab at Green Bay east   the structure, resources, and quality of training   Automotive® in September 2019. Chris taught
        High School in 2015 to form City Stadium Auto-  programs and evaluates them against standards   at east De Pere High School for the past four
        motive.                             established by the industry. Students who receive   years, making this school year his fifth year in
                                            NATEF certification are prepared to work in the   teaching.  Before  teaching,  he  worked  in  con-

                                    APPRENTICE PROGRAM

                      Bergstrom’s technician apprentice program for both high         Apprentices Receive
                      school and college-level candidates offers a hands-on,          • Seasoned mentor
                      in-depth experience to get participants ready and excited
                                                                                      • Paid working hours
                      for a career in the automotive industry.
                                                                                      College Continuation
                      As a technician apprentice, you’re paired with a seasoned
                                                                                      • Tuition reimbursement
                      technician to offer valuable growth opportunities from the           50% of tuition each semester +
                      onset of your career.                                                post-graduate reimbursement
                                                                                      • Tool starter kit ($4,600 value)

            One Team.

            One Brand.

            Proud to represent 36 brands in
            30 locations throughout Wisconsin

                                                 Learn more at
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