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CTE / Medical
        Page 18                                                                                                Electronic Edition: www .teachingtodaywi .com

                    OASD Schools Earn Heart Safe School recognition from Project ADAM

                                                                                  •  There is a designated CPR-AED coor-  strates  that  our  schools  have  successfully
                                                                                    dinator to oversee all program activities   achieved  &  implemented  comprehensive
                                                                                    and training.                  criteria  to  address  sudden  cardiac  arrest  to
                                                                                  •  There  is  a  designated  cardiac  emer-  not only increase the chance of survival in
                                                                                    gency response team at each building   this event but also to promote a safe and pre-
                                                                                    that receives regular training and par-  pared  environment  for  students,  staff,  and
                                                                                    ticipates in regular emergency response   visitors.”
                                                                                    drills.                            The  OASD  Health  Services Team  has
                                                                                  •  There  is  a  formal  cardiac  emergency   utilized the Heart Safe Schools best practices
                                                                                    response  plan  with  notification  proto-  and  trained  district  staff  in  those  practices
                                                                                    cols in the event of an emergency.  for many years.  Grants from Project ADAM
                                                                                  •  Partnership  with  local  emergency   and a generous donation from the Wiscon-
                                                                                                                   sin Masonic Foundation made it possible for
                                                                                    response  services  on  training  and  the   the OASD to purchase the additional AeD
                                                                                    emergency response plan.       devices  needed  to  complete  the  program
                                                                                  •  All  staff  receive  regular  training  in   requirements  and  receive  formal  designa-
                                                                                    sudden  cardiac  arrest  awareness  and   tion.
        OASD Health Services Team Members (left to right): Christy Deal, MSN, RN, Director of Nursing   response.      Learn  more  about  Project ADAM  and
        Services, Jodi Ernser, Health Services Administrative Assistant, Lindsey Wojtasiak, RN, District   •  Access  to  AEDs  and  emergency   the  Heart  Safe  Schools  Program  at  https://
        Nurse                                                                       response  plans  are  available  to  com-
        Oconomowoc Area School District     establishing  a  practiced  plan  to  respond  to   munity  organizations  who  utilize  our
            In March, all nine Oconomowoc Area   a sudden cardiac arrest, by helping schools   facilities.
        School  District  (OASD)  school  buildings   develop and sustain their program.  The Heart Safe School designation was
        received  formal  designation  as  Heart  Safe   The  Heart  Safe  Schools  designation   led by the OASD Health Services Team who
        Schools  from  Project  ADAM.    Project   process is incredibly in-depth and includes   worked  with  Project ADAM  to  implement
        ADAM  is  a  nationwide  organization,   requirements such as:          all  the  program  requirements  and  create  a
        committed  to  empowering  schools  and   •  Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)   plan to sustain the program going forward.
        communities  to  prepare  for  and  respond   are present at all school facilities in loca-  OASD Director of Nursing Services, Christy
        to  sudden  cardiac  arrest.    The  Heart  Safe   tions that make it possible to retrieve and   Deal, said, “The Heart Safe School Program
        School Program strives to assist schools in   administer within three minutes.  recognition through Project ADAM demon-

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